Summer days on the island meant numerous beach days, especially with Jack the pug and his love of paddleboards.

I had a friend’s leaving shindig down the beach and swum in my first one-mile Flower’s Sea Swim – I didn’t even come last and was happy to place around 250th out of 1000 people!

We had a few volleyball Sunday’s down at Public Beach which, in summer time, was hard work and the water wasn’t even refreshing it was so warm..!

As it was the time of year where the silverside fish showed up in massive schools, the freediving was incredible at Eden Rock! Myself and a good friend would go in the early morning, with his awesome camera, and I would dive down through the parting fish – amazing!!

It was then time for my annual trip to Little Cayman albeit on one of the stormiest weekends of the year!! We flew over on the morning flight through the stormy weather and where we were picked up by one of our mates and taken to his family’s holiday house.

We managed to go for an afternoon dive before picking up two other friends from the airport and went for a drive around the island stopping at various places along the way – the weather amazingly holding out for a couple of hours so we could do this.

Back at the apartment we chilled in the hot tub before it really started raining and we ran inside for a night in of numerous games.
The next day and we went to the airport to check about the flights returning to Grand Cayman (it is only a 10-seater plane that can land on LC) and they advised that they would change us to the next possible flight back as the storm was only going to get worse! So back we went – still an awesome couple of days on Little Cayman!
Myself and two good friends went for an adventure day around the island stopping first at the cool rockpools which only fill up with water with certain swell.

Next up was lunch of a local meal at Over the Edge in East End – yum!

I then took the girls to the pig farm where I don’t know who squealed more over the little piglets!!

Always an amazing time visiting the farm with various animals which the farmhand let us feed – the three-day old piglets were a highlight though.. Cuteness overload!

Ms days also consisted of alot of netball training as I was in the Cayman Islands team to play against the visiting team from Canada.
Lots of my time was spent on numerous training sessions and we had a three day tournament once they arrived. Unfortunately we lost all three games but they were all pretty close.
It was a great experience with an awesome group of girls..
Numerous boat party days on friends boats and more road trips around the island sums up my summer days..

Summers are a real treat living on an island…