July meant it was time for our annual trip to New York for a bit of touching..! Touch rugby of course.. This time with separate men’s and women’s teams..
Five of us got an Airbnb near Madison Square Garden and once we arrived on Friday evening we went or a delightful meal at Cookshop – back to the big city vibes..!
The boy’s had an early game on the Saturday so Emma and I went out and treated ourselves to an incredible brekky at ‘Banter’ (Aussie run of course!) and then met at New York East River Park Track for our day of touch rugby.

The boys did amazing and left as winners but unfortunately the ladies did not do so well (and was a bummer that all teams pulled out last minute so we played against NYC each game!) – was still a great excuse to get to New York!!
The five of us then went for an absolutely incredible dinner at Buddakan followed by a few drinks at Benson’s with the rest of the touch rugby crew.

Sunday meant more touch rugby training for a few of us with the US national coaches which was interesting and helped me get a better understanding of the game..
I was then recommend a great restaurant called Basta Pasta – Japanese influenced Italian – odd sounding but tasted absolutely incredible!!
From here we met up with a few of the other Cayman people at 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar for a few drinks before going on a mission to find a bar that was playing Game of Thrones that evening, I know lame..! We eventually found an Irish pub that was showing it (and had room) for us to watch. We did enjoy! Ha
The following day was chilled with a yummy brekky and then we went our separate ways for a few hours – my way was for a spot of shopping..

I picked up what I needed and grabbed some lunch ready for a slow wander to Central Park. I found a cool area and had a little picnic watching some baseball before meeting up with the others at Salvation Taco Rooftop Bar for a couple drinks and city views.
We went and checked out another bar for a drink before heading to a comedy show at the New York Comedy Club which was pretty entertaining.
Quick stop at Maccas in the morning for breakfast and then to the airport. NYC never does disappoint.