The last weeks of 2016 were eventful starting off with a staycation at the Kimpton with some girlfriends..

We made the most of happy hour on the Saturday evening watching the sunset and ordering some food.. We ended up having a rather boozy night and felt the effects the next morning at breaky (well I did!)..

Kia and I made the most of the spa and had a proper pamper before getting our nails done – bliss.
The first day of December marked lobster season so I met some friends out the front of their parent’s place in the wee hours of the morning (it was still dark) and we beat the neighbours out to claim our little spot. Within half hour we had plenty and were about to head back in when I looked under the water and managed to grab another which was casually walking across my fin.!

That night we feasted on our freshly caught lobster enjoying every last bit of our well-earned dinner..

December was a busy month; a gingerbread decorating party, work Christmas party at Papagallo, checking out the elaborate Christmas lights across the island (it was like a competition of who could have the most lights), numerous Christmas events and my girl, Kia’s, last days on island before she was off to my home country, Australia.
Christmas eve consisted of a big Christmas Eve party at the MacFee’s followed by a delish Christmas Day brekky and champagne on the edge of the Caribbean waters – bliss.!

Christmas dinner was then celebrated with numerous families, incredible food, secret santa pressie giving, hilarious Christmas games and fireworks to end an amazing day.. Topped off with Boxing Day spent boating – perfect Christmas..!

We then spent the last few days of 2016 hanging on the beach and numerous drinking days. New Year’s eve was no exception and we had a great day at the beach followed by celebrating the coming of the New Year at Calicos – happy days..!!

The first few weeks of 2017 consisted of Manny Pacquiao coming to the island to host a boxing event, hiking the mastic trial once again, gaelic mixed 9’s and competing with a work team in the Rum Run paddleboard relay.

On the Sunday after the Rum Run we ended up paddling from Kaibo back to Camana Bay – this was great fun and a pretty big achievement. Myself, James and Tonie stuck together the whole way and crossed the line as one which was followed by all of us pushing each other in the water of course..!